Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Could I really get paid to do this?

Anyone who knows me relatively well at all, knows that music is a big part of my life. They also know that I have a strong desire to enter the field of Music Journalism as a career later in life. This semester opportunity struck in the form of an English teacher. I wrote a paper describing the evolution of my passion for music, leading to the ultimate decision to become a music journalist. She herself had a similar passion in college, and  wrote the music columns for the Kentucky Kernel (The University of Kentucky's daily paper). She would go on to do road production for bands such as Motley Crue and Pearl Jam, ultimately leading into a larger career in movie production (The bound journals in Will Smith's upcoming film "Seven Pounds" and the desert explosion scene in Termanator:Salvation, both her work). 
Anyway, she had enough faith in what she read that she personally escorted me to the Kernel's headquarters in the basement of the UK Journalism building and told them to consider adding me to their staff. I'll never forget her no matter how successful or unsuccessful of a journalist I become. Just having a teacher who cares enough about students to take time out of their day is a rarity these days, and it did not go unnoticed. 
I am now the Rock Columnist for the Kentucky Kernel, and in the 2 months I have been on staff I have already been fortunate enough to have written over 10 articles. In addition to writing my own pieces, the position has put me in a position to interview bands who just months ago I saw on stage at places as epic as Bonnaroo. 

To date, these are the columns I have written in chronological order:

I think it'll be entertaining to keep all of my works logged to see if there is a growth as they progress. I certainly hope there will be. It would be fun to see. Regardless I hope this is the beginning of something great. Time will tell...

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