Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Amping it up

As the school year progresses and the Kentucky Kernel is back in full swing, I am finally starting to see the resources I have at my fingertips as an editor for the paper. I've decided to make it my goal to amp up the content in our Features section. Last year we refocused our mission to stay focused on local bands due to the regurgitation of national news. While I agree with this goal, I believe I've come up with a solution that would allow us to continue incorporating national acts. The answer: grow a pair and start pursuing the national acts. I've already begun my work to try and bridge the gap. We've interviewed Tucker Maxx about his upcoming movie, "I Hope they Serve Beer in Hell." Just yesterday I confirmed an interview with Sister Hazel. I have interviews with Lynyrd Skynyrd, Breaking Benjamin, Train and Three Days Grace in the works, all regarding their forthcoming albums. I hope these larger pursuits greatly adds to the Kernel's content, and I do believe that it will. I'll be interested to see how things develop.

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