Friday, December 25, 2009

Ktulu Christmas Countdown #1 Christmas Movie of All Time

And now for the #1 Christmas movie of all time.

When I organized this list, this film was the first one on it, and it instantly took the one spot. I never really considered putting anything before it. I know A Christmas Story is popular but that doesn't mean it should be first in my countdown. There is no Christmas movie funnier than this. In fact, there are very few movies better than this. I believe this to be the best Vacation movie of the four, and that is saying alot seeing as the original is one of my favorites as well. From the moment Eddie explains he had to have the metal plate in his head replaced with the plastic one "because every time Catherine would rev up the microwave I'd piss my pants and forget who I was for a half hour" to the moment where aunt Bethany says the pledge of allegiance at grace, this movie offers up non-stop laughter. This is Chevy Chase at his finest.

I hope you all enjoyed the countdown, and I hope to do more things along these lines, because at the very least even if you didn't enjoy, it kept me more disciplined in updating my blog. This is the most times I've ever posted in a single month.

Hope you all are having a great holiday.


PHSChemGuy said...

This list is crap.

#2 is better than #1, and The Hebrew Hammer is nowhere to be seen.

PHSChemGuy said...

Oh, and can we get a recap post to put the full list together in one place?

Matthew Murray said...

I like a Christmas Story and everything, but I have to strongly disagree that it is better than Vacation. I do like the idea of compiling the list. I'll get on that as soon as I get a chance.

calencoriel said...

Hey - genius - the Hebrew Hammer isn't a Christmas movie. I know you're all agnostic and everything but just because Comedy Central plays the flick around Christmas time and you get to watch it each year while you're enjoying free cable at your parent's house it's not a Christmas movie. No matter how many times you put it on your list or mention it on other people's blogs...

PHSChemGuy said...

The Hebrew Hammer is all about Santa's son trying to expand the family business.

What could be more Christmas than that?

PHSChemGuy said...

I'm seeing Christmas all over the trailer...