Sunday, December 6, 2009

Ktulu Christmas Countdown #20

Ktulu Christmas Countdown Movie #20

A Christmas Carol

The last in the line of classics on this list for a few days, this is based off of one of the most legenday Christmas stories ever written. I have committed no year to the movie due to the countless remakes that have been made, all of which have added their own perspectives to this evolving tale, most recently the animated version starring Jim Carey. While I haven't seen them all, the moral of the story is laced throughout them all, and it is that very moral that makes this film so special. This one too is a good watch with all of the family.


PHSChemGuy said...

You got the title wrong...

It's A Muppet Christmas Carol...

Matthew Murray said...

Haha, at least I acknowledged that that I wasn't referring to a particular version.

Matthew Murray said...

And also notice Ice Harvest made the list... haha. Don't know if you saw that a couple days ago.

PHSChemGuy said...

I missed the Ice Harvest - buried among the basketball posts.

Excellent choice...have you actually seen it?

Matthew Murray said...

Yep, I own it in fact.