Thursday, December 4, 2008

Goodnight Delilah...

Last night, all I wanted to do was listen to some christmas music. Seeing as my car is in the shop, I was borrowing my roomate's car for the evening. Some of my friends had changed all 6 of his presets to the same Christmas station, making it extremely easy for me to fulfill my desire to play holiday tunes for the ride. However I had the unfortunate timing to be listening while Delilah was manning the booth.
I had heard of Delilah before, but never actually given her a listen. I cannot say anything has made me as annoyed as hearing her speak between songs. It almost took the joy out of Christmas for me. If you have never heard her before listen to her in the background of the stupid video below (ignore the girl trying to mouth what Delilah is saying).

I honestly have never heard someone sound as calm and relaxing as her, but this persona is so extreme it comes off as clearly fake. I have seen her in interviews and out of the booth and she is nothing like what she does on the radio. She even seems somewhat cool to hang out with in these interviews, so why the need for the AWFUL radio personality.

I guess what I really want to see is that annoying, overly verbose lady try to take some kind of leadership position in a time of crisis. Just watching someone try to do something effective using that voice would be extremely entertaining to me. O well. I strongly dislike Delilah. Bottom line.

This is all in good fun of course. But seriously, don't fucking turn her on while I'm in the car with you.


calencoriel said...

I hate Delilah. Ask Grace.

I hate Delilah

joey said...

delilah can eat a dick. seriously. try working at a pool for four years only to have the occasional doushebag manager insist on listening to warm 98 all day and night.