Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Rooting for Britney

No, it isn't a movie title. I really am rooting on Britney Spears through her comeback. I never did understand this thing people do where they root for the fall of famous celebrities. I hate seeing a celebrity throw their career away (Tom Cruise). I had written Britney off. But today my girlfriend sent me her new cd, and I listened out of curiosity. Its not profound. Its not groundbreaking. But it is fun and catchy, and thats exactly what she wanted to accomplish. She is back to beautiful, and again showing off her dance skills (See both of these exhibited in the "Womanizer" video below)

She shook off a bit of her overly "clubbed" out songs of her previous album and brought back some of the poppy hooks that made her famous.

In addition was her documentary where she openly claimed "I'm a smart girl, I don't know what I was thinking" basically showing some kind of remorse for her crazy actions of the past couple years.

So yes, whether its jealousy or just plain cynisism, I don't know why people have been rooting for her to fail. But not me.

I'm rooting for Britney's comeback.


Grace said...

I haven't listened to any of the other songs at this point but personally I would be happy with less of the word "womanizer"...

And I find the whole message extremely ironic

joey said...

ill be accepting your man card asap